
Lighting Camera: Joe Comerford
Music: Roger Doyle
Sound Mix: Pat Hayes
Recordist: C. P.Quinn
Original Idea: Cliodna Cussen
Sculptor: James McKenna
Directed & Edited: Bob Quinn (27 mins. Colour 16mm)
"The other outstanding bit of television during last week used no words at all. This was CLOCH, a most imaginative film about sculpture made by Bob Quinn of Cinegael. Based on a sculpture workshop with a number of leading sculptors involved and filmed over a period which allowed one to follow progress from the original block of stone to the finished work, the film had enormous visual attraction. But what really set it off was the soundtrack, the work of Roger Doyle. He used, instead of words, sounds that ranged from wailing voices to animal noises: whispers, cries, music and the rhythmic tapping of hammers. It was extraordinarily impressive as if, at times, he had
caught the very sound of the stone suffering under the sculptors hammer. Another aspect of this most pleasing film was it showed very clearly how much patient, physically-exhausting, slogging work goes into sculpture in stone".

- Irish Times