The Real Ireland, The Evolution of Ireland in documentary film.
Harvey O'Brien, Manchester University. Press (2004)
Contemporary Irish Cinema Cineaste, N.Y. Ed. Gary Crowdey 2000
Modernisation, Crisis and Culture in Ireland, 1969 - 1992
Cormac McCarthy
Cinema & Nation: Bob Quinn & Conor MacPherson. Neil Connolly
Il Cinema in Irlanda Mostra Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema. (Pesaro '90)
Cinemas Irlandais Jean Pierre Garcia & Klaus Gerke (Editions Paris, 1990)
Film Irlandski Jaki? Thm. Wanda Wetenstein (Kina 1999)
Power in the Eye Terry Byrne (Scarecrow Press 1997)
CoinÃn Moore, (Cinemas of Ireland, eds. Le Corff, Isabelle and Estelle Epinoux. UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2009)
Critical Filmmaking in Ireland and Quebec after 1960 Ph.D thesis by Gerald Stephen White, University of Alberta, 2002
Il Cinema di Bob Quinn Manuela Corbari, Laureate Thesis, Universita' degli Studi Di Pavia, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, 2001/2002
The Green and the Screen Anne-Marie Rubenstein. Memoire de Maitrise, (Université Paris V11, 1988)
The Representation of the Irish Landscape in Film Kristian O'Neill ( Trinity College, Dublin, 1999)
Bob Quinn's Conamara Documenting an Era. Orlaith Egan. History of Art Thesis, (Trinity College 1999)
Representations of Rural Ireland in the selected films of Bob Quinn SÃobhán Nà Bhrádaigh. (NUIG 1998)
Bob Quinn & Conor McPherson: The Contrast Neil Connolly (Cinema & Nation, DCU)
Was Irish Cinema ever a Third Cinema?. An examination of the work of Bob Quinn
Con Weber. M.A. Dissertation, Thames Valley University (2007)
Bob Quinn: Representations of the West of Ireland in Cinema. Â
CoinÃn Moore, Huston School of Film and Digital Media, NUI Galway: 2006.
Bob Quinn's Conamara. Documenting an Era Orlaith Egan, SS
Trinity College, Dublin, 1999