
"Budawanny is different, is important, is at once a populist expression of a simple story, and a deadly serious, artfully crafted, film of ideas. Sometimes these judgements are better left to posterity: its just that I've got a nagging feeling that Budawanny belongs up there with Battleship Potemkin. Above all, theres a a fluidity and mastery of form here that deserve recognition".

Gerry McCarthy

 NB.  Regretfully we inform you that for the time being Covid 19 prevents us from supplying dvds of our films.


DVD available from this website.
€29.50 (incl. shipping)

Adapted from the novel 'Súil le Breith' by Pádraig Standúin.

Photography: Seamus Deasy
Sound: Pat Hayes
Art Director: Tom Conroy
Editor: Martin Duffy
Music: Roger Doyle
Director: Bob Quinn

80 mins, Colour / B&W, 16mm

(See also The Bishops Story)



"The theme of Bob Quinns latest and best film is clerical celibacy.
The title translates as The Monks Penis, not the sort of phrase used by polite film critics but with the Bible, Shakespeare and Gaelic you can get away with anything. The film is a regional one shot on Clare Island (Co. Mayo) and is acted largely by the islanders themselves.

The story relates how a young island priest becomes the lover of his housekeeper and faces his congregation with the announcement that he is to become a father. He intends to carry on as guardian of his flock as the girl leaves the island. Parallel with this is the problem of confronting his bishop who represents the bureaucracy of the Church.

The treatment of the film is complex and highly original, carrying many layers of visual meaning. The priests story is told in the style of the silent cinema with intertitles and is shot in black and white. The section dealing with the bishop has full dialogue and is shot in colour often alternating with the black and white of the priests story.

The treatment works for the film, moulds its tension and holds it from beginning to end. The leading roles of the priest and the girl are well-played by Donal McCann and Maggie Fegan while Peadar Lamb makes an impressive Bishop.
Seamus Deasys photography and Roger Doyles music add effectively to the film which is broadly based on a Gaelic novel by Father Pá¡draig Standúin. In spite of its controversial subject it is in no way anti-religious but handles a human problem in human if dispassionate terms. Its script won an Arts Council award".
(Liam O Leary)


Fáilte go Conamara



NB. Bob Quinn films are now available on VIMEO. 

Poitin on Vimeo
Atlantean on Vimeo



for BOB QUINN films

The newly restored Atlantean films

are now available on two DVDs in pristine 16:9 format.

Check out "NADA' IMAGES
Neolithic Anti-Dealer Art
(can't be bought, sold or moved)
"...some form of gnarled, self-conscious, confrontational howl."
The Atlantean Irish


Book & film quartet of films.


The historic connection between Ireland & the Orient


The first episode can now be viewed on 'Dailymotion'



'Kill your Darlings' , a newish novel by Bob Quinn, is now available at Kindle Store.





Available at www.conamara.org